The Daily Blog – A cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie down

Bex powders were developed and sold in Australia in the 20th century. They were marketed to women under stress as “why don’t you have a cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie down”. So much so that the saying entered the language and means ‘chill out’. It’s not heard so much these days.

(Bex was taken off the market when it was shown to be addictive [caffeine content], and to cause kidney failure.)

Mum always had a packet of Bex in the house. I was given the powders as a kid when I had flu aches and pains. They tasted bitter, even in cordial or sweetened tea. I never had enough to become addicted, and my kidneys seem to be in fine form.

Out of my mouth today came the words “I need a cuppa, a Bex, and a good lie down.”

I was, and am, exhausted after databasing poems for 2 hours this morning, then making writing offerings to journals for 2 hours this afternoon. I slumped and uttered the Bex incantation. Then had to explain it to my support worker, Emily the Blonde.

I’m not at all nostalgic for actual Bex. I do like the idea of a cuppa and a lie down, though.