The Daily Blog – bucket list item #70

On my bucket list is it’sm #70: ride on an electric scooter.

Right place, right time. I’m visiting my daughter and grandkids in Queensland. My son-in-law, CarMan, is home this week from his FIFO(Fly In Fly Out) job as a mechanic and truck driver at the mines in Mackay. He has an electric scooter. Last night he plugged it in.

This afternoon I donned my granddaughter’s bike helmet and CarMan showed how to put it on the lowest gear. Button on the left, press, do a bit of scoot to kick off, and I wobbled down the street.

After a couple of goes up and down the street, including an “OMG, I’m in the bushes!”, I got brave enough to ride around the block. Then CarMan turned it up to second gear, and I zapped around the block again.

My hair actually streamed back a little, and my dress hem flapped. I felt so speedy and smart, and…well…scooty.

I was a bit wobbly the whole way, but I did it.

The urge to go faster was on me, and took me right back to my first ever solo drive in a car. I dared, on a quiet Sunday afternoon, press the accelerator up to 70kmph, just for a few hundred metres. I felt wild and scared then. And now.

I knew if I fell, I’d abraid badly. I have enough problems with my 60 year old arm skin thinning. One scratch and it inflames and starts to tears. So while I had the need for speed, I hopped off, and let my grandson have a ride.

I couldn’t stop smiling. I did it. I rode on a scooter.

Yay me. Bucket list item achieved!