The Daily Blog – return to regular service

The ‘daily’ part of this blog was disrupted by starting ADHD meds – Strattera. It turned out to be the wrong med for me. Doctors prescribing Strattera should be careful when giving it to people who suffer mood disorders, or have a genetic predisposition to them: depression and bipolar being the ones noted.

I have depression in abeyance, thanks to medication and Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation therpay. I suffer anxiety.

I have a niece who suffers from bipolar.

By the end of day 2 of taking Strattera in the lowered dose of 25mg, as opposed to the standard dose of 40mg, my mood was down the drainpipe. I started back on suicial ideation, not being in the world any more, feeling useless, and that my whole life had been a waste.

Morning 3, in which I did not take any more of the drug, I was crying non-stop.

So, goodbye Strattera. It’s now a couple of days since the drug has left my system, and I am feeling okay enough to remember ‘hey, blog’.

I may take a few days off next week, because I’m heading interstate to visit ThirtiesGirl and my grandchildren. It depends how busy I get. If I’m flat out, I will have no energy or downtime for gathering my thoughts.

If I have time, I may use my ipad for blogging. We shall see.

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