The Daily Blog experiment a photo from the vaults

Black Summer bushfire fundraiser, early 2020, before the COVID lockdowns.

Ah, the summer eastern Australia caught fire, and our then Prime Minister Scott Morrison, aka ScoMo or Scummo, lied to Parliament about work-related travel, and instead fucked off to Hawaii with his family.

“I don’t hold a hose,” he justified.

Meanwhile, photos emerged of previous PM Tony Abbott(loathed him too, but at least he pitched in) fighting the fires as part of the Country Fire Authority.

A Melbourne dancer and crafter decided to raise money to help the Firies out. She put on a fundraiser, and I said “Sure, I’ll help out.”

I decided to fulfil a long-held dream to dance to The Goodies’ theme music. I ordered a tshirt and it arrived the day before. I raced to get it cropped, and elastic sewn into the new hem.

A friend’s daughter cut me a fringed hippie waist coat a la Bill Oddie. I figured my glasses would represent Graeme Garden. And, well, my vaguely pageboy hair would do for Tim Brooke-Taylor.

At the last minute, I decided to add a beard, and my local hairdresser trimmed a faux beard and moustache to look like Bill.

I slunk onto the stage, veil covering my face, then revealed myself to a huge WTAF from the audience. About half the audience were old enough to get the references.

It was all of 2.13 minutes, and some of the best fun I’ve had as a dancer.

You can see the limitation of my left shoulder before my 2022 shoulder joint replacement.

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