The Daily Blog experiment- sugar addiction

I’ve had dinner. I’m full. Yet I was tearing the house apart just now looking for chocolate. I knew I’d eaten my last Freddo Frog this morning. There were no jelly snakes, and not one Easter Egg left over.

I was in my pyjamas but thought about jumping in the car and making a chocolate run. You know, just a couple of Freddie, one bag of snakes….

I’m using Noom, a weight loss app. I lie to it.

I am lying to an app that doesn’t care about my sugar intake.

Just one gluten free packet of biscuits…

Anyway, I decided to finish off the last handful of grapes.

Sugar addiction appeased, but no the mouth-feel of Cadbury’s.

Well, I’ll tell you now, body, we’re not going out.

You can just get stuck into the last 15% of ANGEL OF THE CROWS, and read that.

The Daily Blog experiment – the lamb (cake) of god

For a couple of years now, I’ve wanted to have a go at making an Easter lamb cake. I saw some absolute disasters on and figured I could make a fine entry.

However, I did not know where to obtain an un-iced lamb cake, or any sort of lamb cake at all. It’s not really a thing here in Australia, as far as I know. We are the biggest consumers of Easter eggs in the world, but lamb cakes, not so much.

When I shared pics of disaster lamb cakes on Facebook, I told my friend NoobBaker that she should do this on her Twitch channel. We made a pact. We’d do this.

We did not do this. She’s busy with her young family, and I’m a woman who avoids the kitchen.

So, when I posted the disaster lamb cakes again, I tagged NoobBaker and said ‘still on the bucket list’. Then PizzaBoy’s best friend and pseudo sister back in Canada got involved. She said she had a lamb cake mould. She would follow my Google Hangouts advice and heckling while she iced it. Aim: demon cake.

HomesteadWoman was on.

And so, HomesteadWoman armed with her kitchen supplies, a newly minted vanilla lamb cake, and icing sugar, and me armed with Google Hangouts, and a big streak of mischief went to work this morning. Add in HomesteadWoman’s two adult daughters, PizzaBoy occasionally peeking over my shoulder, and my wish to make the worst lamb cake ever.

Off we went with white icing that did not curl in little rosettes, but stuck like glue, and dripped like goo. Then tea-flavoured icing, because Aussie lambs are pretty much brown after rolling around in the Aussie dirt. Then coffee-flavoured icing for the lamb’s bum.

I encouraged the girls to pierce the lamb’s ears with toothpicks, and make the lamb smoke. I said next year we should put ugly gimcrack earrings on toothpicks.

HomesteadWoman added eyes, pink icing for the ears, a piece of Easter egg for the nose(I think), and then part of a sugared cherry for the mouth. Our lamb was done, and even had a small brown slick of a hairdo, and a very pert mouth.

The cake mould will be on its way to me for next year’s attempt. I am no cook, no baker, and definitely shite with icing. We shall see what happens. NoobBaker, you know you want in.