The Daily Blog experiment – the aftertaste of depression

The depression I’ve copped from two days of Strattera for ADHD continues. Through sheer determination, and keeping busy and productive, I am keeping from going further down the gurgler.

I do have an appointment to see my doctor. I don’t want to increase my anti-depressant because it doesn’t make me feel any better. It just muffles things further and leaves me lethargic and sort of mooping along a soggy road. I’m going to ask for a referral to return to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy. TMS. It did wonders for me last time, and I’ve been mostly depression-free for two years. I’d still be depression-free if those bloody pills hadn’t rained pale grey all over my brain. It’s like having an aftertaste that won’t leave.

I have no qualms about returning to TMS. It’s a known quantity, and while it does take up a considerable amount of time while I’m having it, it will be worth it. Especially if I repeat the art magic I did before I started treatment last time. I went in with determination and intent that this would work amazingly well for me. And it did. I was such an early responder that my results were called placebo. Yay for magic and witchcraft.

Anyway, my appointment is early next week, so I’m looking forward to ‘actioning’ this. To use wanker words.

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