Guidance for Magical Folx – 19th July – 25th July 2021

A one-card pull from the Lioness Oracle Tarot Deck, both for guidance for any magical folx tuning in, and a wee instructional on how I read tarot and oracle cards. The Lioness Deck caught me eye first thing when I went to my deck shelves(yes, plural).

So let’s see what guidance the Lioness deck has for us this coming week.

The Moon is waxing in Scorpio, moving towards Full Moon in Aquarius next Sunday. As the moon energy builds, it’s a good time for spells to do with growth, bringing towards you magic, anything that you can see needing a ‘coming to fruition soon’ energy.

Queen of Pentacles: a nude woman reclinese surrounded by flowers, and leafy branches. The Queen of earthly delights, material manifestation, and attracting what she wants in the physical realm. She does it easily, and with comfort and joy.

No putting ourselves out with our magic this week, folx. It is indeed a time for magical manifestation. Need that wage rise, new plants for the garden, better job, fresh clothing, a fridge full of good food(however you translate that), a roof over your head, a better roof? Anything that’s on the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs fits the bill here. The practical, useful, material stuff that helps life go on. Look at that green crystal righ tin the centre of the card. Green = abundance. (It may be green citrine, or a peridot.) Get manifesting, folx, and I’ll see you next week on the Full Moon in Aquarius, for a full moon reading, and another Guidance post.

Use The Washi Tape 3

I’m running a ritual for the Full Moon in Sagittarius tonight. A decorated arrow was required. I used a gum tree stick, and my Washi supply to speak to the fiery red of Sagittarius, the yellow of Air(Sun in Gemini), and the open-hearted loving conversation I wish to kindle with a dear one.

Full Moon in Sagittarius spellwork – 2021

Full Moon in Sagittarius 2021.

Date: 26th May, 2021

Day: Wednesday

Moon Sign: Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse

Element: Fire – Mutable.

Time: 7pm.

Tarot Card: Temperance.

With the Sun in Gemini, and the Moon in Sagittarius, we are talking a double whammy of communication energy.

Having trouble finding the words you need in a particular dynamic? Sagittarius is represented by the centaur, the archer. We are going to use the arrow as our symbol.

Tools needed for this spell:

– a fairly straight stick(if you want to go deeper, you may wish to research the magical associations of different trees and acquire an appropriate stick) about the length of your forearm. Don’t break it off the tree unless you have permission of the tree. At this time of year, there are plenty of wind blown sticks lying around.

– a whittling knife and/or sandpaper

– craft or wood glue. You’re going to be sticking stuff on your stick.

– paint, glitter, whatever you want to fancy up your stick. Think fire colours, and air colours to match the Fire of Sagittarius, and the Air of communication.

– Cauldron or something you can burn your stick in (burning will happen after the spellwork, as filling your house with smoke at night is not good).

– stuff to get a fire going. I pour methylated spirits into my cauldron and set it alight. I will often add incense as I go.

1. Pre-decorate your stick, leaving one end free. This way, your arrow is going to be dry and able to be handled.

2. We are going to whittle/carve/sandpaper a point onto the plain end of the stick, forming it into an arrow. While you whittle or sand, you will be asking the energy of Sagittarius and the energy of Gemini to help you find the right words or actions to open up communication.

3. When everyone has completed their point, we will angle the arrows towards our computer screens, and each will make a general statement about what they are conjuring.

4. In a large gesture, and on the count of three, we will arc our arrows up and away from the screens, and point them towards the sky, asking that our arrows fly true, and that the Sagittarian full moon aid us on our journeys.

5. Tomorrow, before the energy of the full moon has turned to the waning moon, and thus the waning of energy, you will burn your stick in whatever sacred way you wish, to send the energy to the universe/the gods/the Huntress Diana.

Alternate 5. If you feel that burning your arrow isn’t right, you may release the arrow into the wild by placing it in a tree, or some wild place in which, conceivably, the Wild Hunt might run.


This spellwork is a version of a releasing arrow ritual I learned in a Native American circle many years ago.

As an experiment, and a change, we will not cast circle, invoke elements, or invoke deity. Sagittarius is wild energy, and does not like to be contained. Sagittarians are built to push boundaries, leap fences, and go where no one has gone before. Asking Mutable Fire to be within a circle goes against its nature. So let’s see what happens if we simply clear space, and go to work.

Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy – session 3, and after

Yesterday: back to Narre Warren for my 3rd treatment. I’d had a headache all day. I am obliged to mention this to the clinician. I was fearful that I would experience the pain I had yesterday at the beginning of the treatment, due to magnetic coil placement, and intensity of the magnetic field used. It really hurt the other day, so there was part of me sooking all the way down the freeway. “I don’ wanna do dis. I don’ wanna go. It hurts.” And then to tell the clinician that I had a headache, and have her sitting there debating whether or not to treat me. I kept reassuring her it was a bog-standard headache, not a whopping big one. “Go on,” I kept urging her.

Long story short, I got my treatment. Juice wasn’t quite at capacity because a bit of ‘ow, that hurt’. Right hand side first, 19 minutes of the Chinese Water Torture tick-tick-tick. Just over 1000 pulses apparently. I hadn’t done much except a short walk, so my body was a bit fidgetty. I had a pillow under my knees to stop my back sending stupid electrical impulses down my legs. Seriously, back, stop giving me restless legs. No one thinks you’re smart.

Left side of my head was ‘woodpecker’ territory. The more intense 3000 pulses over 25 minutes. Short bursts of woodpeckering, followed by a short break, then 3 warning ticks, and off it goes again.

I was able to listen to my audio book. I’m still ploughing through PASSAGE by Connie Willis. The Titanic going down might be an analogy for a Near Death Experience, or death itself, but it’s not a good analogy for TMS. I’m yet to come up with a cultural analogy. No one is dying. No emergency, despite my neck thinking it needs to tense up.

I went to the chiropractor later in the afternoon. Ah, instant headache relief. So that’s what the problem was – tight neck and shoulders, not TMS effects. I slept well, and woke at 6.30am, bright as a button.

Today, Saturday:

Uh oh. That bright as a button feeling is mighty close to ‘I can do everything, I have endless energy, I’m still feeling great at 5pm. I could go all night, getting shit done.’ Mighty close to the manic edge.

I went on the Pathways For Carers walk, and afternoon tea. I strode along at a good pace, whereas last month, I had to ask someone to walk more slowly with me, as I couldn’t keep up. A speaker from Maroondah Council NDIS something-or-other gave a talk, and I became more incensed by the moment. NDIS cost slashing, unsustainable structure, those in power not having lived experience. I broke in: “Well, I’m a writer. Point me at those who need to know. May as well use my skills.”

What? Since when do I volunteer for stuff, and still feel okay about it 10 minutes later? Where’s the ‘oh gods, what did I just let myself in for?’? Instead, I gave out my email to about 6 people who are carers, and who need help formulating a Carer Impact Statement. I can help with that. It will give me a way to work off some of this super-cheesed-off energy I have, as regards disability in Australia. THESE PEOPLE, INCLUDING MY OFFSPRING, DESERVE THE RESPECT AND SERVICE THAT YOU EXPECT AND GET, SCOTT MORRISON, PRIVILEGED, WHITE, WEALTHY, PENTACOSTAL PRIME MINISTER.

Afterwards, pottering in an op shop, I realised I had a whole armful of clothes to try on, two knick knacks, and 6 books. I put nearly everything back, and texted PizzaBoy: “I think I’m becoming manic.” I felt in dangerous territory that hasn’t faded yet. Which is why I can so quickly and easily tend to my blogging.

I’m told it’s too early to see any results from TMS. That I won’t see any results until at least week 3-4. That what I’m having now is the placebo effect. That I’m so positive this will work for me, that I will be changed, that I have willed myself into a better state. So, mind, settle down. Not so much, darling. Easy steps. Let’s find a normal level of mental health, rather than being Shiny.

And as for the art witchery I did on my brain, healing doesn’t mean mania. I’m scared. Help me settle please.

First step on getting home was straight into my pyjamas, and getting PB to apply moisturiser containing lavender, cedarwood, and frankincense oils to my back (itchy, and calming). Next, Rose Garden herbal tea, which contains rose petals, and chamomile. I’m crossing my fingers that slow time will calm me.

No thankyou to mania.

Full Moon In Libra ritual musings

Libra – scales, scales of justice, balance, astrological 7th house(move from personal to the interpersonal houses, the cosmic self plus one, relationships with others, partnership), Cardinal Air, ruled by Venus, peace, fairness, others, equality.

What’s been happening in the world: covid, rape allegations in Australian parliament, men hanging on to power, right to abortion threatened, right to choose threatened, marches for justice.

Scales – actual measuring scales, two cups.

Justice, Empress tarot cards. Temperance? Two of Cups could represent scales balanced, and relationships.

Dismantling patriarchy and replacing with equity and equality.

Male – blue

Female – pink

The book HEXING THE PATRIARCHY has a cool spell using Mother Spider descending on the White House and spinning all patriarchs into balls.

Spinning…wool…wool balls….one representing women, one men….no, non-binary, remember.

Blue and black wool tangled, knotted, dominating, a big mess. Representing the patriarchy. Hold in your hands and name it ‘patriarchy’, and patriarchs across time and space, speak their names into the ball of wool. Name institutions. Imbed all that in the ball of wool.

Call upon Universal energy rather than a God or Goddess? Or call upon the Goddess? Maat? Are we, as women, clean-handed when it comes to patriarchal views imbedded in us? Likely not. Maat cannot be our choice then.

From wikipedia: Inanna[a] is an ancient Mesopotamian goddess associated with love, beauty, sex, war, justice and political power. She was originally worshiped in Sumer under the name “Inanna”, and was later worshipped by the AkkadiansBabylonians, and Assyrians under the name Ishtar.[b] She was known as the “Queen of Heaven” and was the patron goddess of the Eanna temple at the city of Uruk, which was her main cult center. She was associated with the planet Venus and her most prominent symbols included the lion and the eight-pointed star. Her husband was the god Dumuzid (later known as Tammuz) and her sukkal, or personal attendant, was the goddess Ninshubur (who later became the male deity Papsukkal).

The Moirai or the Fates: thread, scissors, wool, measurement of a life, ending of life, ending a cycle.

Imbuing scissors with the power of the universe, speaking into them your intentions.

Cutting the threads of patriarchy, leaving only one long strand of black and one long strand of blue. Weaving them in with strands of pink, green for grounding, blue for expression and healing, purple for universal consciousness.

Shirley Maclaine spoke of Atlantean society being ungendered until experiments split beings into two. Not very hopeful to call on the energy of Atlantis. It fell.

What to do with the plaited or woven strand? How to release it into the world safely? Not into waterways.

The Daily Blog: can’t have it all, and possibilities

The state of play tonight, given my current level of health, is that I can either:

  • go out and explore the world, which I did by going to Olinda. I realised I hadn’t been there in about 15 years. When I did last go, it was with a prior partner, and he threw a massive hissy fit that the iced coffee he drank was not what he thought famed ‘coffee in Olinda’ should be. So we never went there again. Today, remarried to a great guy, PizzaBoy, and fancy-free this Sunday, I thought “Nothing stopping me going to Olinda but my own anxiety about not knowing what the parking is like, it’s a Sunday and it will be a popular place, and is there anywhere I will be able to get food I can eat on the auto-immune protocol”. So I girded my loins, such as they are, and had a pleasant couple of hours in Olinda, eating brunch (poached egg, spinach, a very nice large mushroom, and a bit of bacon, plus chai tea), exploring the shops,liking the oak leaves turning yellow.
  • stay home, calm my nervous system down, and read.
  • have enough energy to get stuff done.

All 3 were/are needed. Basic necessary stuff got done. Nervous system is all jumpy goat kid nutty. I have lime blossom tea to hand, and once I’m off the computer in a little while, I’m done with screens for tonight. Note to self: do not listen to Connie Willis books on audio. They are too good to go to sleep to, and you stay awake listening. Go back to Georgette Heyer.

While I was in Olinda, I visited the shop Elfhame, which stocks witchie supplies and magical items. I sprayed a bit of their Road Opener spray above my head, but aimed a bit low and sprayed my glasses. I joked that maybe it will enable me to see possibilities.

An hour or so later, I was in Market Fair in Ferntree Gully, poking around what amounts to a posh op shop and collectors’ centre. (I didn’t know people collected sashes from pet clubs. I could have bought Pomeranian Annual Show 1999) I’ve been searching for a plastic, glass, or some such model of the human brain to do some enspelling of my own synapses and mental habits. I’ve come up blank. There are very few plastic brains out there in op shops. So I’ve opened my search to anything that might be used as a substitute. I’ve rejected cups and bowls, as I see them more as ‘basket of creativity’ stuff. I found a ‘made in Japan’ fake double clam shell that still looked a bit stylish. Now, that has possibilities. So I bought it, and it’s waiting to be filled with mind-healing herbs.

I must let Elfhame know what happened, because the owner saw me spray myself.

Book review: Hexing The Patriarchy

Hexing The Patriarchy by Ariel Gore.

I can’t make up my mind about this book. The author has good reason to be angry, and I’m a white middle-aged, middle-class woman with lots of privilege. The book is attractive, with lovely bold illustrations, but the book feels rushed. I wanted more information than was given about the paths the author has taken, and why use x or y tradition for a particular spell.

I was hoping to get guidance for actual spellworking and ritual work, and yes, there are 26 spells listed, but none of them felt rooted to me, none of them gelled with my own knowledge.

The author draws out where witchie knowledge came from, or at least her theory on that subject.

I’m looking for a spell to do during the Libra Full Moon, to do with equity, balance, and this book did not feel like the right book.

I’ve yet to come across a book that isn’t ranty. Yes, there’s lots to rant about, but can I at least get my information in a deep and ordered way, please? Too much to ask.

3.9/5 rating.

Full Moon in Libra research

Yasmin Boland – Moonology Diary

Moon in the place of partnerships and relationships. Surrender any relationship difficulties to the Divine. On your altar place a photo of the person with whom you have a relationship. Raise your vibration with some beautiful music and candles, and drop some essential oils onto your palms. Add a picture of the Libra Goddess Lakshmi or Archangel Jophiel, or an image of anyone you resonate with. With your hands in prayer position, say: ‘I surrender my relationship with X to the Divine. Thankyou for guiding me.”

Questions to ask at this full moon: Why am I hanging on to anger about what X did/didn’t do to me? What would love do in this relationship?

Moon Power by Simone Butler

Libra is the the lovers’ sign.

Ancient Libra Moon Goddess: Inanna. Sumerian love and fertility goddess. Said to be the life blood of the Earth. Most prominent female deity in Mesopotamia as far back as 4000 BCE. Inanna is associated with the planet Venus (where is this information confirmed?). Love and connectedness. Also Goddess of war, she had to balance the scales of her two sides. Invoke Inanna when you need a fresh start, strength, when the Moon is in Libra. Eat pomegranate seeds in her honour, and affirm you’ll make it through this trying time. (Linked to imagery of Persephone, and the Inanna story of descending to the Underworld.)

Inanna’s sacred animal: lioness. Though her roar is not as thunderous as the male, it is still powerful. Social etiquette and groups important to the lioness. If a lioness is disinclined to meet and greet in ritual, she is likely to be booted out of the pride. Call on the lioness to strengthen your marriage, invoke protection for your children, or mend a problematic relationship.

Full Moon ritual: trance dance. We are made of energy and our energetic tendrils connect with everyone we come into contact with. To celebrate the connection-oriented Libra Full moon, when the Sun is in energetic Aries, do a trance dance, and ancient way of achieving oneness consciousness. Music that has a hypnotic drum rhythm.

From Pintereset

On this full moon I request divine energetic assistance to help me sever all cords to anyone or anything that consistently lowers me vibration, intends me harm, causes chaos, drains me, or blocks my flow of blessings. I ask for the strength to walk way from whatever isn’t meant for me and for inner peace, harmony, healthier connections and for more positive opportunities to open up so that mentally and spiritually I can heal, grow and glow. Sending gratitude for the love and abundance coming my way. (Affirm for 48 hours before and after full moon.) – Alex Myles


In addition to relationships and partnerships, Libra rules the aspects of life that are artful and aesthetic, that seek out harmony and balance. It also rules the balancing of light and dark, of “good” and “bad”: always searching for a neutral, or pleasing, spot in the middle, where our energies can rest in contentment. The movement of our actions, from internal to external, is also a Libra aspect—considering how actions have consequences and effects that vibrate out. This brings us back to our partnerships, when the actions of our lives have direct effects on the lives of those we are in intimate partnership with, for instance, those we live with.

From The Hoodwitch

Use this moon for matters pertaining to: justice and fairness; partnership; love/self care rituals; balance and diplomacy; healing.

With the moon in Libra focus on relationships, and artistic pursuits. All of your partnership activities will be heightened during this Moon. For those who are not in partnerships, there may be heightened feelings of loneliness, but be aware of superficial bonding to ease the pain/ fear of loneliness. The moon being in Libra it is an excellent time to throw a gathering  with close friends. During this time, it’s important to find balance. Enjoy a simple celebration with others, but also leave some time for healing work.

An excellent preventative measure during the Libra moon that we can do for our bodies and especially onour kidneys is drinking plenty of fresh water between the hours of 3 and 7pm in order to give the kidneys and bladder a good “rinse through”. Nettle tea, is also a really soothing aid for the bladder and kidneys. Exercises for the pelvic region are also particularly beneficial at this time.

Essential oils: rose geranium, sandalwood, jasmine, neroli, clary sage.

Crystals: aquamarine, calcite, rose quartz, smoky quartz.

Word Witch – a rhyme for Hermes

I penpal. I also use wax seals on my envelopes. It seems that letter sorting machines don’t like wax seals, or cope with them. So I’ve fashioned a little rhyme to be said as I set seals on envelopes.

“Hermes, speed my letter on its way,

clear the road ahead both night and day.

Across the sea, across the land,

until my letter reaches X’s hand.”

Once I’ve set my seal on the letter, I ink in the image with a gold metallic pen, gold being a corresponding colour and metal for Hermes. Once I’ve used up all my spray perfumes scenting letters, I’ll make an aromatic spray with Hermetic scents.

Full Moon in Leo Wellness and Meditation

A Full Moon That Occurs between January 21st and February 18 will be in Leo.
Use this time for matters concerning:
Healing the heart and chest
“The heart region houses the power of our love. If we do not allow this to unfold, for whatever reason, then in the truest sense of the word we strangulate our heart. We have allowed ourselves to be persuaded that love is a sentimental feeling. It is not. the essence of feelings is their constant variation ; they are merely the accompanying symptoms of other things- thoughts and perceptions. One cannot build on something that is constantly altering like quicksand. Love is the thing that maintains us in life, that inspires us, that is always there- for you and for all of us. But only when it is given unreservedly, without ulterior motives, and expectations. The more one gives of it, the more there is!” – Johanna Paungger

A Full moon in Leo meditation:
Light a gold or orange candle and anoint yourself using frankincense, cinnamon or orange. Sitting in silence breath in the sign of Leo and place it into your heart center. As you envision the golden color of the sun surrounding you, allow it to fill you with courage, strength, and fire. recognize the power of your individual self by repeating the mantra: “My will is strong and my calling is to express and illuminate. I choose to express that will with love”.
Citrine : abundance, joy, prosperity
Carnelian: courage, protection, blood circulation
Kunzite:releases blocks of the heart, releases daily stress


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